
NIHONBASHI SPACE WEEK 2022 has begun in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan!This event is one of the largest space business exhibitions in Japan, where domestic and international space business players gather in Tokyo. JSLA will be at the event together with Mr. Yamasaki of Uchida & Samejima Law Firm who will be participating as a mentor for “NEDO Supply Chain Data Challenge Finalists”, and other prominent members of JSLA will also be at the event. If you see us, please come and say hello. We look forward to seeing you at the forefront of the space business! Homma Yumiko(本間 由美子)a member of JSLA and an attorney at GVA LPC (Source: NIHONBASHI SPACE ...

ispace will launch its lunar lander


ispace, inc., a global lunar resource development company in Japan, is planning to launch its lunar lander soon. If they are successful in landing the lander on the moon on the expected schedule, that will be a world first achievement that a private company alone has landed its lander. In addition, ispace has received a license from the Japanese government to conduct business activity on the moon under Japan’s Space Resources Act. Based on the license, they will collect regolith on the moon and transfer ownership of such resources to NASA. The launch was scheduled on November 28, 2022, on SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket; however, the launch attempt has been ...