Since 1992-the year of Convention on Biological Diversity, the biodiversity has become more and more important in the world. And how we figure out the number of the wild species is very fundamental to achieve the goals of CBD. Some species are counted by seeing visually, and some by speculation. Both methods rely on the data we inherited from the past. However, it is yet a little challenging to humans to grasp the entire number of them, because many ecologies are still hidden to us. Therefore, the new tech of the biodiversity map must be an innovated tool for nations to grasp the numbers of wild species and make more ...
The Japanese Diet passed the Space Resources Act on June 15, 2021 and the Act came into force on December 23, 2021. The Act allows persons (including private entities) to explore, extract and use “space resources” meaning water, minerals and other natural resources that exist in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies. Under the Act, a person who intends to obtain a license (which is stipulated in Article 20, paragraph (1) of Space Activity Act) for the control of spacecraft which is exercised over a spacecraft for the purpose of the exploration and development of space resources (such license is defined as the “License for the Exploration ...